Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Wanted: I Definitely Want Them!

Hello Bloggers! T'is a great day today for me and it continues to be a great day as well. Why? The title says it all. Yes that's right, The Wanted have finally docked into my current town and I cannot stop acting like an overexcited 15 year old girl with a crush on her gym teacher (ew...). Remember my previous post (click on this link to see it) about The Wanted finally having their concert and that I would be going? The former was indeed true (except for the part when the concert has been changed from the 18th of September Tuesday to the 17th of September which is TONIGHT, Monday) but the latter has changed. Tickets were sold out pretty fast thanks to my procrastination and my lack of  great time-keeping plus my over zealous confidence
that I would definitely get a great ticket towards the end. 

But thank GOODNESS Universal Studios felt sorry for us and provided an alternative for those who really wanted to see... erm.. The Wanted.This opportunity comes in the form of a meet and greet tomorrow (18th of September 2012) with the lads themselves (flesh and bones baby!) and getting our The Wanted Posters/Limited Edition T-Shirts/Albums signed plus a photo snapping session with them. Oh how delightful for us cheapskates! 

So for now my world is content as I know exactly who I want to take photos with... *ahem* and those are... MAX GEORGE and JAY McGUINNESS! (Yes, they are the hottest and the best members of the Wanted and I am totally devoted to them :D ). So at the end of the day, I get to meet The Wanted, get my things signed and I have the opportunity to snap a bit of Jay's hair and use it to my voodoo advantage.. MWAHAHA! Just Kidding... (or am I...?) 

Wanted pictures will accompany this post really soon. 


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